Purple smoke


I have always felt to the core of my being that love is the only way. It is the only solution to every problem that has ever existed. It is my purpose, my calling, my reason for being, to help people make that connection.

I am a healer. I was born a healer. The energy of healing has flowed through since before I knew it did. The source of that healing force is love. When I am fully connected to love, that healing power is unstoppable. When I help others connect to that power, the love within them, it creates a wave of healing that reaches further than I spread it alone.

Then the realization came that I need to find away to expand my reach. So julietta.love was born. My vision is to create a greater awareness and connection to love across the earth. Ultimately it is the only thing that will save us. The only thing will heal us. The only thing that makes this life worth living.