
Choose You First

It took me so long to choose myself first. There were so many years of people pleasing, of being nice, of putting other people’s needs before mine. I was feeling exhausted, sad, depleted, and lost. On the outside everything looked great, but inside I was dying a slow death. I put a smile on my face and told myself that making other people happy made me happy…..WRONG!

I don’t want you to make the same mistake I did. I want you to get this message now. Don’t wait! You get to choose you first. The well-being of you and the world depends on it.

If you making your choices to make other people happy, to make them like you, or because it’s the right thing to do, this message is for you. It’s time to stop. It’s time to choose what will make you happy, what will make you like you, and what is the right for you.

I used to think that putting other people’s needs before mine made me a giver, a good person. Doing everything to please everyone else seemed like it was the most loving thing I could do. Then I realized I was making a big mistake. I thought that putting others first would fill me up and make me stronger, when in fact it was having the opposite effect. If I kept going this way, soon I would have nothing more to give.

When you are always choosing to put other people’s needs before your own you are depleting yourself. You are giving your power away. If you continue to do that long enough, you will be left on empty. Stranded in the middle of the road. You will be left completely unable to serve others because there is no fuel left in your tank. The only way to assure that your tank always has fuel is to choose you first.

While in the short run choosing yourself first may seem selfish, it’s actually quite the opposite.

When you put yourself first, you are making choices that will increase you power and vibration thus giving much greater resources to support others. You will be able to give much more than ever before. Giving will feel effortless because you have limitless power to give from. It’s just like in an airplane, you have to put on your oxygen mask first so that you will be able to help others with theirs. If you try to put on their oxygen mask first, potentially you both die. If you put yours on first, you both live. Win/win!

Choosing you first is choosing to love yourself. It is impossible for others to truly love you when you aren’t loving yourself, and it is impossible for you to truly love others when you don’t love yourself either. To bring more love to yourself and to the world it is a requirement for you to love you. Loving yourself means putting you first.

By choosing to put yourself first, you give others permission to do the same. If everyone starts putting themselves first, everyone will be more powerful and will be vibrating at a higher, healthier, happier frequency. Can you imagine what the world would look like if everyone was operating from that space? It creates an opportunity for everyone to win. It is the space of true love.

Putting yourself first doesn’t mean that you make choices that would harm another person. It doesn’t mean that you don’t compromise from time to time. It just means when it comes to the important things in life, you choose what is right for you.

Choosing you first is actually the most loving space you can come from. Only when you choose yourself first can you truly heal yourself. The possibilities that exist when you put yourself first are limitless.

Please, choose you first.