
Love is not a Feeling

You can feel love, but love is not a feeling.

That’s what my guides said anyway.

I’m being brave today by letting you all know that there are voices in my head that I call my guides. Actually, there are not really voices, but rather frequencies that my mind translates to words. They have been communicating with me for years. Something I kept mostly to myself for fear of being judged. The coolest gift aging has brought to me is caring less and less what other people think. So here I am sharing with you all in hope that you will connect with your guides share their messages for humanity too.

Anyway, I sat with their message for awhile, and then I asked for more information. Over the next couple weeks, this is what they told me. For clarity my words are in black and their words are in purple.

Love is a state of being. It is what you are. It is a vibration, a frequency. When you are as you are meant to be, you are love. Love is your highest state. When you are there, you vibrate at the frequency of love.

The frequency of love is the frequency of perfection. When you are vibrating at that frequency, it will raise the frequency of those around you. The frequency of love heals all. In the frequency of love negativity cannot exist. There is no fear, no hate, no anger, no worry, no frustration… pain.

The frequency of love is your natural state. It is where your being desires to be. The frequency that most humans are vibrating at is not love and that is why life is so uncomfortable and difficult. The closer you get to the frequency of love, the easier life becomes.

Humans mistake many things for love. Once you have experienced what love actually is, then you will be able to understand what it is. You will be able differentiate real love from what humans think love is. A few have actually been able to stay in a state of love while living a human life. Others have experienced it for moments. There are others who have never experienced it as a human. Your soul remembers what it is. You will remember too.

The purpose of a human life is to get to that state of love. It is your true home. It is calling you, but it’s difficult to hear with all the noise you make. If you can find the silence, you will hear the call of love. It will guide you.

You get there by choosing to be love. It’s actually a very simple process, but humans like to complicate everything so they have an excuse for why it hasn’t happened. There is nothing to do, you only have to be. If you connect to your heart space it will be clear. Every action you take, every thought you have will come from love. Your heart space is another way of saying your higher self. When you let your ego control your thoughts and actions you are not in a state of love. Your ego thinks it will die if you become love, but that’s not true. It will become love too. The competition between ego and higher self will end and they will live together in harmony. In love.

I made the observation that every time I type the word love on my phone (which happens a lot!), it comes out live. As I was correcting the typo and questioning it in my head why it always comes out live, the guides stepped in and explained.

To live and to be love should be one in the same. When we are love we are the most alive. When we are love we will experience what it truly means to live. The further we are from love the less we are living. The further we are from love the more difficult it is to live. Be love and you will love to live.

As I was finishing this blog, the song “I want to Know What Love is” starts playing on Pandora….Coincidence?….

Be love……..


  • pamela morgan

    Yes, to all that you and your guides have so eloguently elaborated on the Love frequency/vibration of being. Truly the only aspiration and purpose for our being on this planet. Yet for me I have found this to require a journey of ever deepening awareness and learning of how to shift to the higher frequency/vibration of love and be able to stay there longer. There are many routes to achieve this worthwhile undertaking.

    I learn more everyday and that is one of my steps on this journey- to practice by being in my heart frequency open to possibilities and to learning. One learning I was gifted recently was “evidence” that when you are in a Love frequency amazing synchronicities happen all around us. Just as it did for you in the writing of your blog and “I Want to Know What Love is” played on Pandora. I call it “Magic” and that just brings more love when it happens!

    I “love” your colors and your writing and your mission. Thank you

    • julietta

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. This is definitely a journey for all of us and each of us on this journey support the journey of all of us. Magic is definitely all around us, we just have to notice it. 🙂